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We can look back on the current season with great satisfaction. Until now a number of beautiful series and also top pigeons have been raced. A number of things can at least be called striking in these results. In the first 4 international races, for example, a child of new super breeder Red Ross came first. It must be fair to say that on one of these 4 flights, Pau, Jessie Rose (daughter Red Ross) and a full sister of Miss Milos, came exactly at the same time. The latter was on the result 1 second earlier. Another startling fact is that on all these 4 flights their second pigeon was registered within 6 minutes. This can be called very special without exaggeration, especially because there were 2 very tough flights, namely Barcelona and St. Vincent. Below we list the 4 flights with the arrival times of the first 2 pigeons and then the name of the first arriving pigeon for you:

Pau 907 km: 119th (19.33.35), 120th (19.33.36) 120th Jessie Rose
Agen (B&J) 969 km: 8th (6.56.08), 16th (7.03.05) 8th Milos Rosie
Barcelona 1201 km: 35th (13.53.08), 43rd (13.59.19) 35th Barbara
St. Vincent 1063 km: 10th (9.22.11), 13th (09.28.55) 10th Jessie Rose

Read the full report on the website: link.

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